Jayhawk Chapter
"Making a Difference for Wildlife,
One Acre at a Time"
We are pleased to report that the 2017 statewide index to the breeding bobwhite population was 3% higher than in 2016. This is according to the 2017 Bobwhite Whistle Count performed by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism.
Kansas had a relatively mild 2016/2017 winter, which likely did not have widespread negative impacts on overwinter survival. The combination of good production conditions last summer and the mild winter maintained high statewide quail averages coming into the 2017 breeding season population

It is important to understand that annual changes to the breeding population do not necessarily reflect hunt quality for the upcoming season. The fall bobwhite population will predominantly depend on 2017 summer productivity. This survey is an index to the spring breeding population and is a measure of production potential, but fall populations are ultimately determined by weather and habitat conditions through the summer months. Localized bobwhite populations can increase nearly 300% from spring to fall when habitat and weather conditions are suitable for production. Beginning the spring with a larger breeding population creates the potential for a larger population increase when conditions are good, but doesn’t guarantee it. Under correct conditions, fall densities in areas with lower breeding populations can surpass areas that had larger spring densities. Likewise, areas with high spring densities can have relatively low fall densities in the event of poor conditions.
See the full report here: